University of Illinois System

Capital Updates - January 2016

Posted on 01/08/2016
  • PRZM: 15.2



  1. If contractors are buying furniture, fixtures, or equipment, they are responsible for insuring these items until the project is substantially complete. This information has been included in the Front End documents 00 10 00 and 00 70 00 to alert the contractor.
  2. The term MAFBE is being phased out and has been replaced with the term Diverse or Diversity. MAFBE has been replaced in the contract documents, VSA, and CAPS but will not be replaced in PRZM and FCPWeb.
  3. Required evaluation criteria for Professional and Artistic Service RFP has been reordered.
  4. The 2016 UIUC Project Labor Agreement has been incorporated into the Upside Front End document.
  5. Standard Change Order Markup verbiage has been incorporated into the EPC ESA document. In case a change order is required, the verbiage will be transparent on expected markups.
  6. The Upside Contract Request module has been changed for generating all Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed letters so they can be generated for Energy Performance Contracting projects.
  7. The ACH or Request For Electronic Payment form has changed to the Direct Deposit of Accounts Payable Authorization Agreement form. This new form replaces the old form that is attached to the Notice of Intent to Award Letter and Notice of Award Letter templates. 
  8. If a bid form is submitted with the required bid values included but without Attachments A and B completed, it would be considered a technical deficiency. The bidder has ten days to correct the technical deficiency. The material deficiency criteria has been changed in the 00 20 00 and 00 40 00 documents.

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Rogan.


  1. Prior to purchasing furniture, steps have been added to meet regulations:
    1. If surplus furniture does not meet the needs of a project, an affidavit must be completed and filed with CMS if any item of furniture exceeds a value of $500.
    2. If furniture from the CPO approved Illinois Correctional Industries (ICI) commodity list does not meet the needs of a project, an ICI preference waiver must be approved by the SPO through UOCP&RES.
  2. Additional documentation and disposition of furniture purchased has been added to help provide expectations and consistency through all campuses:
    1. The entity procuring furniture for the project shall fill in the newly created furniture inventory form (FIF) to identify all parts of the furniture being procured for future disposition.
    2. High level steps for the appropriate tracking and accounting for this furniture are identified in the document.
  3. Furniture insurance requirements have been identified for each procurement method:
    1. For departments procuring furniture through Purchasing, insurance for this property will be supplied by the University at the time of furniture delivery to the project.
    2. For Contractor procured furniture, insurance for this property will be supplied by the Contractor until substantial completion of the project.

The Furniture Purchase Process document can be found on the UOCP&RES website under Policies and Laws. UOCP&RES website -

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Rogan.


  1. A Payment Type field has been added to the AE Payment Applications and a payment type of Partial or Final is required.
  2. A prompt has been added to the SWC Approval List requiring the contactor to attach a partial lien waiver.
  3. An email notification will be sent to the affected contractors and project managers on the 15th day prior to and on the expired date of insurance certificate.
  4. When a project is closed, the system will move the closed project to an archive project folder, which is listed in the PRZM Main.
  5. Those with a campus director role do not need to be assigned to projects in order to assign a project manager to a project.

For questions regarding these changes, please contact Qu Kim.


After review by the University Auditors, the following changes were implemented in PSP:

  1. The question of SAVP and BOT Approval Required was moved to the Project Information Details.
  2. The question of Registered with the State Board of Elections at Time of Proposal was moved to the Initial Evaluation Minimum Qualifications.
  3. The Committee Chair will not have access to the Initial and Discussion Meeting Individual Evaluation forms until the evaluation forms are submitted by all committee members.
  4. The Definition of Evaluation Scores has been added to the top of the Initial and Discussion Meeting Individual Evaluation.
  5. Category radio buttons have been added to the Approval Form for Firm to be Invited to Discussion Meeting form and to the Approval Form To Negotiate With Recommended PSC From Discussion Meeting.

To access the Job Aids, navigate to the UOCP&RES website, click Training, select PSP, and select Job Aids. UOCP&RES website - 

For questions regarding these changes, please contact Qu Kim or your system representative.