Changes to Documents, Systems, and Policies
The following changes have been made as a result of University of Illinois System initiatives:
Upside Document Changes
- "Good Faith Effort" (GFE) language has been added to the Front End and Pre-bid Meeting Documents, GFE Letter, and Diversity Policy to alert the bidder that they will be deemed non-responsive, and the bid will be rejected as a material condition, if the owner determines the bidder did not use satisfactory GFE at the time of bid.
- Article 19.2.C of the General Conditions Document has been updated to include wording that allows Builder’s Risk Insurance to be stopped, if deemed prudent, when the space is in use before the official substantial completion date (e.g., State Farm Center).
- Language has been added to all contracts (not retainer renewals) to indicate that annual certifications and financial disclosures are not required to be submitted, are under a continuing obligation to remain in compliance, and non-compliance must be immediately reported if previously submitted information has changed.
- The Pre-bid Meeting Document has been updated to list Shauna Clayborn as an Office of Procurement Diversity (OPD) reference for UIUC and UIS. Dale Morrison will continue to be referenced for UIC, Rockford, and Peoria.
- Language has been added to Section 3.4 of the Energy Services Agreement to specify that the U of I System can perform independent audit analyses of energy savings shortfalls.
PRZM Changes
- Request for Proposal (RFP)/Change Order (CO) justification codes in PRZM have been updated for consistency with FCPWeb and the UOCP&RES glossary.
- The PSC Selection Process (PSP) can now be initiated before receiving vendor submissions to input evaluation criteria and complete procurement participation forms that are required by the selection committee early in the selection process.
- The UOCP&RES Subcontractor/Vendor/Supplier (SVS) approval listing is now available on the user dashboard.
- The dashboard now allows searching for actionable items for project numbers and project names.
- An "Add Comments" feature has been added for all Subconsultants/Subcontractors certification and financial disclosure reviews.
FCPWeb Changes
- Financial Managers can now edit and delete contracts and payments.
- The "Contracts" screen now takes less time to load.
- A "Budget Increase Approval" information box has been added to the Project Data Summary. This will display the date and approval level of budget increases.
Policies and Website Changes
- Diversity Policy – Changed to reflect item No. 1 in Upside Document Changes (above).
- RFP Policy – Changed all female-owned business enterprise (FBE) references to woman-owned business enterprise (WBE).
- Furniture, Fixture, & Equipment (FF&E) Policy – Changed FF&E tagging requirement from $500 to $1,000 in the policy and Furniture Inventory Form (FIF).
- Art in Architecture (AIA) Policy – Added clarity to invite UOCPRES to the selection committee to determine if they will participate.
- Bid Tab Spreadsheet – Changed to include a more comprehensive Award Summary Worksheet, veteran goal information for State Purchasing Officer (SPO) reporting purposes (goal is 0% at this time), and various minor modifications to update terminology and current construction bid practices.
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Rogan.