University of Illinois System

Capital Delivery Process Overview

The process of capital project implementation entails eight parts, listed here and further defined through the document.

  1. Need Identified
  2. Project Initiated
  3. Conceptualization
  4. Professional Services Consultant Selection
  5. Design
  6. Bid and Award
  7. Construction
  8. Post-Construction

Step One: Need Identified

This phase is completed by the campus department that has identified the need, with support from the Campus Construction Unit (CCU). The campus department will translate an idea into a proposal, which will describe the merits of the idea and will be reviewed by the Director or Dean, Vice-Chancellor, and Provost.

Statement or Need
  • Who?
  • What?
  • Why?
  • When?
  • Where?
Cost Opinion

Estimated Cost

Project Funding

Identify and Secure Funding Sources

Project Review
  • Director or Dean
  • Vice Chancellor
  • Provost

Campus Construction Units (CCU):

  • UIUC - Facilities and Services
  • UIC - Office for Capital Programs
  • UIS - Facilities and Services

Step Two: Project Initiated

Once a project has been defined by a department, the Campus Construction Unit (CCU) will help refine the proposal schedule and cost opinion. The CCU will prepare the necessary documentation and, as required by the signature authority limits, will submit to the Campus Review Committee and University Administration for approvals.

Construction Unit
  • Technical review of proposal
  • Is schedule achievable?
  • Is cost opinion accurate?
  • Is feasibility study required?
Review Committee
  • Verify appropriate use of space
  • Verify funding Estimated Cost
Approval to Begin

Board of Trustees Approval and/or Campus approvals as required by Signature Authority limits

Step Three: Conceptualization

This phase includes the process to sufficiently define the project so a reliable project budget and schedule can be provided. This phase often involves resolving site, utility, and other existing building limitations to assess the true cost and impact of the project.

  • Meet with CCU to clarify goals and objectives
  • Provide organization planning documents
  • Participate in interviews and focus groups
  • Review data with CCU
Campus Construction Unit
  • Gather data from client to formulate program
  • Obtain site, code, zoning and related information
  • Review campus master plans with UOCP&RES
  • Inventory existing site and facility as applicable
Program Statement
  • Project scope
  • Preliminary design options
  • Preliminary site plan
  • Utility program statement
  • Preliminary cost estimate
  • Preliminary schedule

Step Four: Professional Services Consultant (PSC) Selection

This phase includes the process to identify and contract with consultants to provide design and construction services for the project. The process of selecting Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors is governed by the Illinois Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) Act and University of Illinois policy. This step is not required for projects with PSC fees under $25,000 or for projects using PSC Retainer Contracts as determined by the Campus Construction Unit. PSC selections for other professions such as Construction Managers, Landscape Architects, and Interior Designers must follow a similar process for a Request for Proposal for Professional and Artistic Services governed by the Illinois Procurement Code.

  • CCU Representative(s)
  • Client Representative(s)
  • Office of Capital Programs Representative(s)
  • Project-specific selection criteria identified
  • CCU generates advertisement and sends to UOCP&RES
  • Posted for 15 days to the IPHEC website
  • Evaluation Committee reviews submittals from PSCs
  • Evaluation Committee ranks PSCs and selects 3-5 to interview
  • Selections are based on qualifications; no discussions of fees are allowed
  • Committee Chair completes reference calls on all short listed PSCs
  • PSCs are notified and scheduled for interviews
  • Discussion meetings are held
  • Committee ranks the top 3 PSCs and provides a recommendation
  • CCU negotiates scope and fee with the top ranked PSC
  • BOT approvals and/or campus approvals as required by Signature Authority limits
  • PSC contract award is posted to the IPHEC website and submitted to PPB for approval.

Step Five: Design

This phase evaluates the program as the foundation for the design plan, information review, and project refinement. Through drawings and specifications, the PSC will provide direction of the project’s design and construction strategy. At the end of each phase, the design and cost estimate will be submitted to the Campus Construction Unit for review and comment to verify that the project aligns with the program, scope, schedule, and budget established during Conceptualization.

Schematic Design
  • PSC reviews Program requirements
  • PSC develops criteria for engineering systems with input from the CCU
  • PSC completes code review
  • PSC updates floor plans and elevations incorporating all requirements
  • PSC develops cost estimate and schedule based on current design
  • PSC submits SD Package to CCU for review
Design Development
  • PSC revises drawings to incorporate University comments
  • PSC finalizes calculations and sizes of systems for building and site
  • PSC further develops the design and details for University review
  • PSC updates cost estimate and schedule based on current design
  • PSC submits DD Package to CCU for review
  • PSC presents the project to the Board of Trustees as required
Bid Documents
  • PSC revises drawings to incorporate CCU comments
  • PSC further develops drawings and specifications to create a set of documents that can be used for bidding purposes
  • PSC updates cost estimate and schedule based on current design
  • PSC submits CD Package(s) to CCU for review or as agreed upon

Step Six: Bid and Award

In this phase, the project documents are available for the purpose of providing a bid to the University. The procurement of construction services by the University is governed by the provisions of the Illinois Procurement Act. The method of determining the vendor or contractor will be through a formal, sealed-bid process with the lowest responsible and responsive bid getting the award.

Issuing for Bid
  • PSC makes final revisions to incorporate University comments
  • PSC provides printed copies for distribution
  • CCU prepares bidding advertisement and sends to UOCP&RES for posting on the IPHEC Bulletin website
  • Interested Contractors pre-qualify with the University and obtain documents through PSC
  • Contractors review the documents and submit questions to the PSC
  • PSC reviews the questions and determines if revisions need to be made
  • PSC issues revisions to documents via Addenda
Pre-Bid Meeting
  • Interested Contractors, PSC, Client and CCU meet to review the project and any special requirements
  • Interested Contractors can ask questions about the project
  • Interested Contractors may visit the project site or request a time to do some site/building investigation
  • PSC distributes meeting notes
  • Pre-qualified Contractors submit sealed bids to CCU; CCU opens and reads bids publicly
  • CCU and PSC tabulate bids and review for any discrepancies
  • CCU and PSC make a recommendation for award
  • Contractor submits required documentation
  • BOT approvals and/or campus approvals as required by Signature Authority limits
  • Construction contract award is posted to IPHEC website and submitted to PPB for approval

Step Seven: Construction

This phase includes the process to deliver the project that meets the requirements of the documents within the construction budget and schedule.

  • Identifies Subcontractors and Suppliers
  • Submits and responds to Contractor documentation
  • Completes construction
Construction Unit
  • Reviews and approves Contractor documentation
  • Obtains approvals for all contract revisions
  • Monitors scope, schedule, budget, and quality
  • Coordinates utility outages, if required
  • Acts as liaison between Client and the Contractor
  • Coordinates commission of systems
Professional Services
  • Reviews Contractor documents and makes recommendations to CCU
  • Reviews project submittals from Contractor
  • Responds to Contractor questions and provides revisions or clarifications
  • Performs site inspections and provides reports
  • Final review and testing of all building systems (security, fire, life safety, HVAC, lighting, electrical, etc.)
  • Training as needed of maintenance personnel on new equipment and systems.
  • Final verification that the building functions as designed

Step Eight: Post-Construction

The Post-Construction phase includes the process of the final review and documentation of the building and systems. This phase also includes the commissioning of the building, the warranty phase where contractors correct defects in materials and workmanship, and the post-occupancy review to evaluate the success of the facility.

Substantial Completion
  • Project Team performs walk-through and PSC provides a punch list to the Contractor
  • CCU and PSC determine if the project is substantially complete
  • Certificate of Substantial Completion is issued and Client begins moving in
  • Client assumes site and building maintenance responsibility
  • Contractor completes punch-list items and submits final documents
  • Project team performs a final walk-through of the project
  • Clients notify CCU of any problems with the new facility within Warranty period
  • CCU notifies PSC and Contractor of Warranty problems
  • PSC and Contractor work to find a solution and resolve problems
  • CCU closes out all financial obligations and updates related systems
  • Project Team evaluates the success of the completed project by examining how well the project has met the original program requirements.
  • Based on evaluations, recommendations for corrective actions may be required.
  • Evaluations and gathered information are used to prevent similar issues in future projects.