Capital Programs, Real Estate and Utility Services
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Capital Development Board
Illinois Public Higher Education Procurement Bulletin
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Chief Procurement Office Forms
Internal University Leasing Roles
Internal University Leasing Roles
RES will serve as the official University BOT liaison with potential landlords and their agents, coordinate the activities of the leasing effort and assure procurement is proper. Further, duties shall include:
Assist as needed in assessing requirements of unit in concurrence with appropriate space manager.
Determine appropriate procurement method for leases space.
Review backfill opportunities across the University system for identified use/need.
Conduct a space search to identify site options and develop information sufficient to permit comparison of alternatives via RFI process or local market comparisons.
Negotiate lease terms with potential landlord(s) and report per SB 51 requirements.
Establish proposed business terms to include rent payment schedule and costs of tenant improvements for the lease and any related costs, and assure that sufficient funding sources for the lease are clearly identified.
Prepare the draft lease document, incorporating acceptable terms and conditions respecting University policies and State of Illinois statutory requirements and gain University Legal Counsel approval as to form.
Negotiate and draft build out agreements or tenant improvement allowances where needed with assistance from space planner.
Prepare and submit to the appropriate parties a proposed agenda item for approval of a lease document by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, as required.
Prepare the Contract Approval Request Form (CARF) and gain all appropriate approvals to include department/unit, Legal, Campus and University Administration in addition to Comptroller and Board Secretary.
Administer terms and conditions of the lease to include: compliance, oversight of lease payments, notifications and communications with the landlord on any significant tenant issues or interpretations of terms and conditions or party responsibilities that either change the responsibilities of the landlord or the University, or may result in the eventual termination of the lease.
Assure compliance with Procurement Policy Board (PPB) and Procurement bulletin requirements.
Distribute fully executed lease documents, to include department/unit, Campus/UA space managers, Accounts Payable, and Risk Management.
Maintain lease data base to ensure compliance with lease terms as well as monitor renewal options and expiration/termination periods.
Prepare procurement file documentation for annual audit and prepare responses to audit inquiries.
A facility space manager representative from the subject Campus, UA, Survey, Extension, Auxiliary or Foundation will:
Make determination that University owned facilities are not available or are insufficient for validated space needs and obtain appropriate approvals for private property leasing prior to requesting space.
Ensure approval from the appropriate office such as Dean, Vice Chancellor, Provost, or Vice President has been obtained prior to search and provide an initial C-FOP that demonstrates adequate funds for payment of rental charges.
Shall undertake space planning needs assessment with department/unit prior to RES property search.
Initiate the space leasing process by communicating identified space assessment need with the Director of Real Estate Services who will assign staff to project.
Assist in evaluating suitability of potential properties for the intended use and verify final selection with appropriate parties.
Shall coordinate tenant improvement arrangements per lease agreement.
Shall coordinate relocation, furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E), computer networking and telcom.
Shall enter assignable space into data base as necessary, distinguishing gross, useable and rentable sq. ft. measurements.
After lease execution, handle communications with the department/unit occupying the leased space and the landlord regarding normal operating issues and property management concerns. Issues that rise to the level of potentially changing the responsibilities of the landlord or the University, or may result in the eventual termination of the lease shall be handled by RES.
Address any issues and practices regarding the use and maintenance of utilities and HVAC and mechanical systems in coordination with occupying department/unit.
Coordinate the timely submission of vouchers for lease payments.
University Counsel will:
Review the lease document for legal form and coordinate any required changes with RES.
Recommend approval or disapproval of the lease document to RES.
The Office of Business and Financial Services will:
Complete the obligation process and assign a BOT contract number for the user to reference on all vouchers for payment of rent.
Submit the fully executed lease to the State Comptroller and Secretary of State.