University of Illinois System

UI Capital Updates - July 2021

Posted on 07/30/2021

Changes to Documents, Systems, and Policies

The following changes have been made as a result of University of Illinois System initiatives:

Upside Document Changes

  1. Updated Request for Professional Services Qualifications document for both CDB projects and non-CDB projects as follows:
    1. Updated Item B) SECTION 2, and Item G) third paragraph - to request completed sections from the CDB 330 form rather than previously requested CDB SF 255 Form (Higher Ed).
    2. Updated F) Evaluation Criteria #2 to state “A firm cannot be designated as more than one business enterprise between Evaluation Criteria #1 and #2.”
  2. Added a new field on the project form to dictate how the Project Specific Prequalification is to be submitted to the universities. This new field allows 1,000 characters of input. Clause and field information will be in Document 00 10 00 M and Document 00 10 00 S, paragraph 2.5.
  3. Created new Document 00 30 00 to consolidate Diversity language and requirements previously located in Documents; 00 10 00 M, 00 10 00 S, 00 20 00, 00 40 00 M, 00 40 00 S, 00 50 00M, 00 50 00 S. Also, the construction and PSC Diversity goal has been raised to 30% and there is a (new) Veteran goal of 3% for all delivery methods for University of Illinois System Capital projects.
  4. Updated Document 00 10 00, 2.9.A and Document 00 40 00, 7.3 to add capitalization to spelled out dollar amounts, when Liquidated Damages are selected for a project. Also removed cents from numeric dollar amounts in these locations.
  5. Updated the RFP Ad language for artistic and professional services per the following:
    1. Updated Submission and Opening of Qualification Statement to include directions for submitting Proposal parts A, B and C electronically within the PRZM Technical Response tab and submitting Sealed Compensation Proposal Part D electronically within the PRZM Pricing for Electronic Submittal of Proposals tab.
    2. Updated Evaluation Criteria Item #1 Diversity Participation goal to be 30% and stated “Utilization of WMBE certified vendors must designate full participation as either an MBE or WBE when split goals are identified for purposes of meeting diversity goals. WMBE value may not be split between MBE and WBE.”
  6. All contract language in Upside has removed the word “at” from university locations: University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and University of Illinois at Springfield.
  7. Added a new Project Form question to the Bidding Tab for ability to select the Pre-Bid meeting to be virtual or in person, regardless of Bid Submittal selection of virtual or in person.
  8. Updated the Project Form – bid tab for question “Is Project-Specific Contractor Prequalification going to be used for this Project” to default as “select” to force a yes or no to populate data on the 00 10 00 and 00 46 00 Documents. If yes, boilerplate required information is automatically populated for Schedule Performance, Owner References, and Safety Performance Metrics.
  9. Added additional Liquidated Damages language to Document 00 40 00 M and 00 40 00 S, paragraph 7.3.
  10. Updated the Professional Services Retainer Agreement, Attachment D, PSC/Subconsultant Work Summary with the following:
    1. Summary now includes the Veteran Business Program (VBP).
    2. Note 2 has been updated to include the annual Total Contract Value limit of $1M.
    3. Note 3 has been added; “The Percentage (%) of PSC Agreement for each BEP/VBP and non-diverse Consultant (Prime) and Subconsultants will be based on the Qualification Submittal (the State of Illinois CDB 255 – Higher Education or CDB 330 forms) and approval in PSC Selection Process (PSP). The PSC will be evaluated on actual percentages of Consultant and Subconsultant on work orders generated for this Retainer against the percentages noted in this Agreement.”.

PRZM Changes

  1. Updated capability of reports for identifying both individual projects and multiple-projects that include unresolved punch list items that have passed 60 days from the Substantial Completion date of the project.
  2. Updated the punch list approval process workflow by routing assigned contractor punch list items to the contractor with assigned, for their approval prior to requesting PSC approval.
  3. Added a “DO NOT OPEN” button in the e-bidding portal to identify which bids are deemed non-responsive before bid openings. Each university will have the ability to add publicly non-viewable notes to define why a bid should not be opened.
  4. Updated fields for PSC-entered data when submitting electronic qualifications, to better organize diversity status and percentage of work totals for the prime and entire team.
  5. Added a column to include date stamps identifying when pay requests were approved within the AE PAYMENT REQUEST – APPROVED BY ITEM tab.

FCPWeb Changes

  1. Added a field in the General Information section of the Project Data Summary to identify the Planner for a project. This field will also be added to the data in the EDW.
  2. Added a “yes-no response” question on Project Data Summary asking, “Will this project include Liquidated Damages?”.
  3. Created a LEED Certification Status report from the EDW that will be delivered to UIC management staff monthly.
  4. Updated the logic for the Initiate Closeout button to appear when a Project Status is identified as “Cancelled”. The Closeout button will still also appear when Building type is identified and Punchlist Actual End Date and Final Closeout Actual End Date is populated within the project schedule.

VSA-CAPS Changes

  1. Added language in CAPS Section 9.1 that requires applicant to attach relevant USDOL Certification PDF(s) (for each Apprenticeship Registration Number given) within section 9.4.
  2. Updated the report resulting from Prequalification Listing search to include identification of submitting university (UIUC, UIC, UIS).
  3. Updated the VSA contractor evaluation status report with the following improvements:
    1. Added a column to identify the responsible PM.
    2. Added a university filter for ability to choose UIUC, UIC or UIS.
    3. Added a value of “Active” to the status filter drop down. Active will include all evaluations with status of Created, SC Edited, Reopened, and Closeout.

Policies, Website, and other Changes

  1. Updated Change Order form example (web document) within Document 00 60 00 to include Liquidated Damages category and Crisis Response category.
  2. Updated the Award Summary worksheet within the Bid Tab Spreadsheet to remove the word “Responsive” from the title “Unsuccessful Responsive Bidders”, as each bidder is identified as Responsive or Non-Responsive beneath this heading.
  3. Updated the Energy Performance Contracting policy to include minor changes to how ESCO’s will be engaged for small value projects.
  4. Diversity and Veteran goals for Donor contracts (DBIA and Construction contract templates) have been added to include Design-Builder shall make a Good Faith Effort to achieve construction diversity (Minority Business Enterprise, Women Business Enterprise and Persons with Disability Business Enterprise (M/W/PBE)) goals of 30% participation as well as 3% participation from Veteran Owned Business Enterprise (VBE) for design and construction services, all of which must be certified with the Central Management Services (CMS).
  5. Revised the AFS R&R procedure to reflect the 3.25% administration fee assessment removal.
  6. Revised the Furniture Procedure to remove the ICI review requirement per CPO Notice 2021.02.
  7. Revised the Diversity Policy to include the Veteran Business Program (VBP), change the SAVP acronym to SAP for Mike Bass’ position change, apply BEP/VBP goals to Single Prime and Design-Build delivery methods, and update the BEP and VBP goals to 30% and 3% respectively.
  8. pdated all contract documents’ signature fields to replace “Avijit Gosh, Comptroller” with “Paul N. Ellinger, Interim Comptroller”.


If you have any questions, please contact Chris Rogan.