University of Illinois System

Contracts and Forms for Faculty & Staff

New Forms and Documents

  1. Form A: This form to be used by Vendors submitting Certifications and Financial Disclosures who are not registered in the Illinois Procurement Gateway. (If Form A or Form B are required in the Procurement Advertisement).
  2. Form B: This form to be used by Vendors submitting Certifications and Financial Disclosures who are registered in the Illinois Procurement Gateway. (If Form A or Form B are required in the Procurement Advertisement).
    Note: To open this PDF using Adobe Reader or above, right click the link and select "Save link as..." if using Chrome or "Save target as..." if using Internet Explorer. This will let you download the form and open it using your Adobe application.
  3. Request for Professional Services Qualifications (QBS): Standard document that is used for advertisement on the Illinois Public Higher Education Procurement Bulletin website.
  4. Request for Professional Services Qualifications (QBS) — Artistic and Professional Services
  5. Electronic File Naming Convention: Required for all documents being submitted to the University in PDF format.
  6. Planner/Project Manager Checklist: Checklist to aid in verifying all steps are complete in the process.
  7. Conflict of Interest Procedure: Contact information if a conflict is identified.
  8. PreBid Meeting Package Information:
    Information to provide to vendors at pre-bid meeting:
    1. Good Faith Effort Guidelines
  9. Capital Procurement Summary: A high level overview of the requirements and compile the guides, checklists, procedures and training documents related to capital that have been drafted to assist in the changes in the procurement process that went into effect in 2010
  10. Subvendor Documentation: PRZM Submission Process Job Aid.
  11. CPO Financial Disclosure Affidavit: CPO form that can be used in place of Form A or Form B when one of those forms were already vetted and approved, including potential conflict of interest(s) if any, from a prior contract with the University of Illinois within a year from the Illinois Procurement Bulletin award posting.
  12. Alternate Capital Delivery Method Selection form
  13. Energy Tax Credit Form
  14. Liquidated Damages Considerations Worksheet: This form to be used by UI Faculty & Staff to complete prior to seeking review and approval from UOCP (who will share with Legal) before including Liquidated Damage clauses in Front End Documents.

Sample Standard Contracts, Forms and Procedures

  1. Notice of Contract for Professional Services - Standard form to be used for posting award for when a Professional Services Consultant selection has been approved by the Board of Trustees.
  2. Notice of Contract Award - Standard form to be used for posting award for when a Construction Contract is awarded.
  3. Professional Services Agreement: Copy of the standard Professional Services Agreement where project specific information is entered into the document in UPSIDE. The terms and conditions for the agreement are typical for most projects.
    1. Sample Letter - Notice of Award Professional Services Consultant
  4. Professional Services Agreement - Construction Manager: Copy of the standard Professional Services Agreement for Construction Manager where project specific information is entered into the document in UPSIDE. The terms and conditions for the agreement are typical for most projects that use a construction manager.
    1. Sample Letter - Notice of Award Construction Manager
  5. Professional Services Small Project Agreement: Copy of the standard Professional Services Small Project Agreement where project specific information is entered into the document in UPSIDE. The terms and conditions for the agreement are typical for most projects.
  6. Professional Services Retainer Renewal
  7. Professional Services Consultant Evaluation Forms: Standard evaluation forms used as part of the QBS Policy requirements.
    1. Preconstruction Phase Evaluation (Required): Completed at the end of Bidding and Award Phase.
    2. Construction Phase Evaluation (Required): Completed at the end of Substantial Completion.
    3. Conceptualization Phase Evaluation (Required): Completed at the end of a Conceptualization Phase contract including Masterplans and Feasibility studies.
    4. Retainer Evaluation (Required): Completed prior to renewal or completion of a Retainer PSC Contract.
    5. Design Phase Evaluation (Optional): May be completed at the end of Schematic Design, Design Development and/or Construction Documents Phases.
    6. Post Construction Phase Evaluation (Optional): May be completed at the end of the Warranty Phase when all contractual responsibilities are complete.

Specifications - Standard Front End Documents
(CSI MasterFormat 2004)

  1. Capital Front End Documents (Single)
  2. Capital Front End Documents (Multiple)
  3. Section 00 60 00S – Standard Contract Administration Forms (Single)
    [Forms in this section are interactive unless otherwise noted.]
  4. Section 00 60 00M – Standard Contract Administration Forms (Multiple)
    [Forms in this section are interactive unless otherwise noted.]

Single Prime