University of Illinois System

U of I System Capital Updates - January 2022

Posted on 01/26/2022

Changes to Documents, Systems, and Policies

The following changes have been made as a result of University of Illinois System initiatives:

Upside Document Changes

  1. Within multiple Upside documents, updated Mike Bass’ title from “Senior Associate Vice President of Business and Finance” to “Special Advisor to the President”.
  2. Updated required Certifications and Disclosure forms to be submitted by Vendors. The University will now require the Chief Procurement Office’s Form A or Form B in lieu of previous Certifications and Statutory Requirements form and Financial Disclosures and Potential Conflicts of Interest form, which was found on the UOCPRES website. Updates for this change have been made in Front End Documents, Advertisements, Agreements, and updated UOCPRES website links within Contracts and Forms section.
  3. Updated Front End Document 00 20 00, paragraph 10.2.A.1 (Material Deficiencies) to require a bidder/vendor to be prequalified with Owner no later than the close of business the day before the bid due date.
  4. Updated Front End Documents 00 10 00S & M and 00 20 00 to add “by the same bidder” wording to state “If multiple bids are received by the same bidder for the same division of work, the later bid will be considered official.
  5. Updated all Construction Contract templates clause 3.3.B. to read “The above mentioned percentages shall not be applied to unit price changes.”, for consistency between templates.
  6. Updated language throughout the EPC RFP Phase II document including contact updates, discussion meetings, “Diversity” definition, submission information and requirements (including updated certifications and disclosures via the Chief Procurement Office’s Form A or Form B and inclusion of professional licenses via the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations), and Diversity Participation Plan for team.
  7. Updated all EPC contracts to update the word “University” to “Owner”.
  8. Updated the Professional Services Advertisement, Professional Services CDB Advertisement, and the Artistic and Professional Services Advertisement to require the Design Firm Registration with IDFPR in the minimum qualifications.

PRZM Changes

  1. Updated PSC and CM pay applications to automatically include the Banner Vendor Number used on the Banner Encumbrance to avoid manual adjustment by the FMs.
  2. Added the ability to allow project status to be identified as “cancelled” rather than “complete”, for a project cancelled before any contracted work commenced for the project.
  3. Updated signature lines/titles in PRZM documents at Interim Comptroller signature locations within the document. Size was enlarged in order for Contracts+ electronic signature process to be visible.
  4. Updated QBS process to restrict user from opening vendor QBS submissions before the submittal deadline.
  5. Updated Diversity identification on the PRZM forms to only allow contractor choice of either MBE or WBE for WMBE certified consultants. Forms no longer allow a WMBE selection.
  6. Updated user ability to reverse the “Do Not Open” action for contractor bid proposals.

FCPWeb Changes

  1. Updated the status filter on the My Projects screen to allow any combination of project statuses to be viewed at the same time
  2. Added functionality that allows the named Project Manager to automatically generate an email to a Director selected from the list of Directors for the given organization requesting the Authorization of a Project Version.
  3. Added the new Period Start Date and Period End Date fields on the Invoice screens and added those fields along with the existing Retention Amount field to the Payment data set extracted from FCPWeb and populated in the EDW. (The process for adding the new data to the EDW has been initiated but will likely take a few weeks before the new data is available in a Universe.)
  4. Added a new optional Diversity Status field to the Contract screens to identify vendor BEP status. Also added the new Diversity Status field to the Contract data set extracted from FCPWeb and populated in the EDW. (The process for adding the new data to the EDW has been initiated but will likely take a few weeks before the new data is available in a Universe.)
  5. Fixed a bug that caused application to freeze and caused loss of all data entered to that point, when user enters an error within the schedule fields. (1/19/22: as of now this has been fixed in Firefox but not Chrome. The bug couldn’t be replicated in IE or Edge.)
  6. Added the Budget Approval Status field to the General Information section on the PDS to identify if there is an ongoing Budget Approval Process and list the status of that process.

VSA-CAPS Changes

  1. Prequalification functionality with the Vendor Services Application will be updated in February 2022 to allow submission of the Chief Procurement Office’s Form A or Form B for certifications and disclosures from the vendor. After a transition period accepting either old or new forms and following the February 2022 update, Form A or Form B will be required for Prequalification approval in place of the current Certifications and Statutory Requirements form and the current Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest form.

Policies, Website, and other Changes

  1. Updated PRZM form for PSC proposers to fill out both Prime and Subconsultant team percentage of work (Diverse and non-Diverse) instead of Selection Committee Chair manually filling this information in from the CDB form within the PSC submissions.
  2. Updated required Certifications and Disclosure forms to be submitted by Vendors. The University will now require the Chief Procurement Office’s Form A or Form B in lieu of previous Certifications and Statutory Requirements form and Financial Disclosures and Potential Conflicts of Interest form, which was found on the UOCPRES website. Updates for this change have been made in Front End Documents, Advertisements, Agreements, and updated UOCPRES website links within Contracts and Forms section.
  3. Updated Scope and Fee Negotiation Policy language within the Overhead & Profit Multiplier Rates section, to clarify “An Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) approved rate is effective under the provisions noted in a current letter, including the end date and the additional months given past the end date”. Audits and approved rates provided from a Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm still expire three (3) years from the end-date of the period under audit.
  4. Within PSP and multiple documents and policies, updated Mike Bass title from “Senior Associate Vice President of Business and Finance” to “Special Advisor to the President”.
  5. Updated PSP and PRZM Diversity identifications on Forms to only allow choice of either MBE or WBE for WMBE certified consultants. Forms no longer allow a WMBE selection.
  6. Updated Electronic File Naming Convention document requirements to incorporate new process and forms for certifications and disclosures, which are now either the Form A or IPG Form B document from the CPO Forms website.


If you have any questions, please contact Chris Rogan.